Record all your races with MapMyRun + and improve your performance with our statistics and comments. Discover the best courses, record and share your favorite courses, and find inspiration to reach new goals through our community of over 40 million athletes. Whether you want to put yourself in the running or you already have experience, you will find the tools you need to motivate you.
+ More than 600 sports: running, cycling, walking, muscu, cross training, yoga and more.
+ Audio commentary during your GPS recorded races: pace, course, distance, calories and altitude difference.
+ Connect your app to more than 400 devices to analyze all your data.
+ Use the Android Wear app to save your shopping and see your progress.
+ Let your shoes do the work for you: UA Record Equipped shoes automatically record your runs and synchronize with MapMyRun +.
+ Set a goal and stay on track with the audio coach's directions: pace, distance, time, calories, etc.
+ Use Live tracking to share your location and reassure your loved ones.
Supported Android
{4.3 and UP}
Supported Android Version
Oreo (8.0-8.1) - Nougat (7.0 – 7.1.1) - Marshmallow (6.0 - 6.0.1) - Lollipop (5.0–5.0.2) - KitKat (4.4–4.4.4) - Jelly Bean (4.3–4.3.1)
Download Run with Map My Run + 18.2.3 Free No Ads, Fix Lag
Developer: MapMyFitness, Inc.
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