Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is the new installment of Borderlands, the critically acclaimed series of shooting games. Play as four new characters and pave the way with explosive blows in the unprecedented lunar environments of Pandora, where gravity is almost non-existent.
Participate in the rise of Hyperion and be witness to the transformation of the Beau Jack as he stops being a good man to become a merciless dictator obsessed with money, power, infamy.
Discover the joys of low gravity - Give up Pandora's comfortable surface to explore his low-gravity moon, Elpis.
Play as four new Ark Hunters - Fight alongside the Beau Jack as four new Ark Hunters, hired to ensure the growth of Hyperion.
The Ascent of the Beau Jack - Participate in the ascent of the Beau Jack and be witness to his transformation from a man ready to do anything to ensure order and security on Pandora to the ruthless dictator of Borderlands 2.
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